Blocked me for no reason.
Bridgette Home Alone replied:And yet you're still trying to talk to me. You ooze condescension. I reserve the right to speak or not speak with anyone I choose. Pro-tip: Women don't like condescending men. Not here and not in real life. Bless your heart. 😂

Never took a call from me. Asked her for recordings instead and she kept just stringing me along and then blocked me. Think there might be a time waster here.
Bridgette Home Alone replied:And yet you're still trying to talk to me. You ooze condescension. I reserve the right to speak or not speak with anyone I choose. You never paid for any recordings. Seems like you thought you'd get them for free for some silly reason. Pro-tip: Women don't like condescending men. Not here and not in real life. Best of luck, darling.