Have some fun with me today
Hi everyone. Are you looking for some fun? Looking to have a good time? Then look no further. Here, fun is what we make it. And I love to play. So let me know what your desires are. Hours are: Mon: 1:30 pm to 4: 30 pm EST & 10 pm to 12 am EST Tues: 1:30 pm to 4: 30 pm EST and Tuesday nights OFF Wed -Thurs - OFF Fri - Sun: 1:30 pm to 4 pm EST & 10 pm to 12 am EST I have some interesting galleries for sale for good prices for anyone interested. :)

Calls seem to be not be working today. I will be on tonight on my regular hours to try again! Sorry everyone!

I am going to be unable to be online during my regular day hours today. Having a very hectic week. Sorry guys 😟 I will be onl

Sorry I have been so in and out this week! Hopefully everything calms down for me soon here and I can spend more time with you g

Hot and bothered and always aiming to please. :) <3